Friday, April 23, 2010

Catch Me If You Can

Haven't done an actual blog post about basketball. Time for that.

Can we talk about Derrick Rose for a second? Holy crap, that is one fast human. He had a Mr. Lebron James on skates in that fourth quarter of tonight's Cavs/Bulls game. Needless to say, I was giddy when Lebron stepped up to take on the challenge of stopping the lightning quick second-year. I got even more giddy when Rose then called off a Noah screen so he could take the best player in the world to the rack. Talk about balls. And then you know what Rose did? He took the MVP to the rack. Dribbling the ball 35 feet from the hoop, Rose took two bunny hops, and then like a race-horse, rocketed towards the hoop. Not even the athletic freak that is Lebron could stay in front of him.

Then on the other side, Lebron worked his magic. Weaving in between defenders, evading double teams, finding passing lanes a beat before everyone else. It was great. I'm not a Lebron fan at all, but I'd be a liar if I said I don't enjoy watching him play. He's a marvel, and I'd give anything to have his basketball skill for just a day. Or even for just one game of pick-up at the ARC.

It's NBA playoff time, people. Best time 'o year. Go Thunder, Blazers, Jazz, and Bucks!

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