Thursday, March 4, 2010

How's the Weather Up There?

This is why I love Ball Don't Lie's 'Ten Man Rotation': you come across little basketball gems you'd never otherwise find. Yesterday, I stumbled upon a link to an article highlighting Manute Bol, the 7ft7in basketball player. Tallest to ever play the game, and weighing barely 200 pounds, the man looks sickly thin. He rarely started, and didn't have the chops to stay in the NBA for more than a few seasons. And yet I was intrigued. So I looked him up. Turns out the dude has a fascinating story.

Among other interesting facts about him:
-Averaged 5 blocks a game his rookie year (shattered all kinds of records)
-Only NBA player to have more career blocks than career points
-Once hit 6 three pointers in a game, an incredible feat for a man his size
-Was paired with 5foot 3 inch Mugsy Bogues, the shortest to ever play the game
-Sudanese activist
-Involved in a tragic car accident that left his hands useless after his career was over

Look him up on Wikipedia while this video loads.

Manute Bol is hosting a block party, and all are invited.

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