Just like taking a charge close to the restricted area in the paint, this move is not without its uncertainty. What will kill me first? The traffic? The smog? The California Gurls? I'm not sure, but I hope it's the last one. And I'm damned excited to find out.
Now, one of my major concerns, a concern that friends, family, and coworkers alike have expressed is that I'm moving directly into the heart of Lakers country (No joke--if you Google the address of my apartment, it's directly to the left of the 'L' of the 'Los' in 'Los Angeles'). I'm going right into the belly of the beast. Headlong into that proverbial oncoming train. True that, people of my life. It may suck being surrounded by Kobe Enthusiasts, but it could be worse. How it could be worse exactly, I'm not too sure. But hey, at least it'll be a good social experiment. I'm a glass half-full kind of guy like that.
Anyway, here are four thoughts, mostly basketball related, about Scott Zais taking his talents to South Bea- er Los Angeles.
1. Staying current with the Kings will be a challenge. Up in the Sacramento area, all Kings games are televised. But if you go outside that little radius, there isn't a Kings game to be seen. Hell, it's a small miracle to meet someone that has even heard of the Kings when you get out that far. Anyway, things are looking up for the young core (as I've fanboy ranted before) and I don't want to miss any of it. I want to see DeMarcus Cousins self-combust live on my screen. I want to see Tyreke knife into the lane over and over on his way to a 32-12-13 stat line. I want to hear Grant Napier's rusty baritone and Jerry Reynolds bumbling, yet insightful, perspective.

Basically, if there's ever been time to cave and spring for that League Pass, it's now. I'll get all that Kings goodness (and those marquee Mid-January Wolves-Pacers showdowns, too) whenever I want it. The seed has been planted with the Mom and Dad; I hope they've picked up what I've put down.
2. I meet the perfect girl... who ends up being a Lakers fan. Now that may sound like a contradiction. "Perfect girl" and "Lakers fan" can't be in the same sentence. That would be like putting Chris Webber and Darko Milicic in the same sentence. Such a thought is ludicrously blasphemous. So, let me rephrase it --she's perfect except for that slight character flaw. I can see the conversation on our first date:
Me: So, do you follow basketball?
Her: Yeah! I love it!
Me: Oh sweet. Who's your team?
Her: Lake show, baby!
Me: Oh...
Her: And my favorite player is...
Me: Don't say it. Please don't say it.
Her: The Black Mamba, foo!
Me: Check please.
As my buddy Robbie put it, she has to be a perfect ten in all other categories for this to fly. I'll have to agree.
3. It'll finally be time to jump on the bandwagon. The Clippers bandwagon, that is. Look, I'm a basketball addict. It can't be helped; the need to watch, read, write, and play the game is ingrained in me. It runs in my veins. So there's no way I'm moving to a new city, a major city boasting two NBA franchises mind you, without following at least one of them. Obviously the Lakers are out (I dislike them just a bit). This leaves the lowly Clippers.
Clip show, bitches.
4. Getting my runs in will be a challenge. Easily one of the most difficult parts of this move will be all the good basketball I will leave behind. The people I run with boast the perfect mix of fun and competition. It's lighthearted when it needs to be, but serious when it counts. Not to mention, I'm not the shortest guy out there (but it is close). Needless to say, I'll have to put out feelers down south.
So there you have it. Four quick thoughts on my move. Wish me luck!