Sunday, March 7, 2010

That's no moon...

With my college graduation looming (note the word usage here: looming. Not "around the corner" or "coming up," but looming, kinda like the Death Star), the thought of, you know, what I'm doing after school has crept into my mind once or twice. And by once or twice I mean it has become a daily fixture of concern. I haven't had one yet, but I can feel a panic attack coming on. It'll come, I know it. One of these days I'll be overcome with worry and have the closest thing to a breakdown I can have. Even though I am cognizant of it, it will still happen. It will suck, I will hate it, and it will completely and utterly emaciate me.

Once again, looming.

So, to avoid this potentially embarrassing and unfortunate situation, I have begun my assimilation into the real world. And by that, I mean entering the job market. Or at least trying to. You want a slice of humble pie? Looking for work will not only give you a slice of humbleness, but it'll throw in the whole damn bakery too. I have conducted my search thus far with Aggie Job Link, a useful little website by UCDavis that aggregates thousands of job listings from companies world wide. It's a great service... especially if I want to be put in a bad mood.

Anything I seem qualified for are either "Unpaid/volunteer/internship" positions (aka legal SLAVERY) or something that looks so shady that I wouldn't touch it with a hazmat suit on (like the wonderful TeachEnglish4America program. Hey, if you can't spell out the word "for" in your program name, a program about teaching English no less, I'm gonna pass).

Of course, all the lucrative jobs involve the use of these things called computers. Software consultant, computer engineer, networking assistant. Yeah, Aggie Job Link, I can't do any of that. This blog is pushing my tech limit, so trying to program shit won't fly for me. Or potential employers, I bet. I now understand why my roommate, a Computer Science major, tells me to "not worry about it." It's because that dude is set. Companies are salivating and waiting like vultures to pounce on him.

Well, what about the impressionable, hardworking Political Science student? What I lack in skill I make up for in enthusiasm! Yeah, I don't buy it either. Guess who picked the wrong major? Hint: it's not my roomie.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

How's the Weather Up There?

This is why I love Ball Don't Lie's 'Ten Man Rotation': you come across little basketball gems you'd never otherwise find. Yesterday, I stumbled upon a link to an article highlighting Manute Bol, the 7ft7in basketball player. Tallest to ever play the game, and weighing barely 200 pounds, the man looks sickly thin. He rarely started, and didn't have the chops to stay in the NBA for more than a few seasons. And yet I was intrigued. So I looked him up. Turns out the dude has a fascinating story.

Among other interesting facts about him:
-Averaged 5 blocks a game his rookie year (shattered all kinds of records)
-Only NBA player to have more career blocks than career points
-Once hit 6 three pointers in a game, an incredible feat for a man his size
-Was paired with 5foot 3 inch Mugsy Bogues, the shortest to ever play the game
-Sudanese activist
-Involved in a tragic car accident that left his hands useless after his career was over

Look him up on Wikipedia while this video loads.

Manute Bol is hosting a block party, and all are invited.

Opening Tip

Well, isn't this original.

"Hey everyone, look! It's another internet blog by a bored college student. Are you certain we really need another one of those?" You're right, fabricated dissenter, we certainly don't. But maybe Scott does. And you know what? Scott is going to do whatever the hell he wants.

The name "The Mid Range J" is a basketball term and the second half of the phrase "The Lost Art of the Mid Range Jumper." It basically reflects several things:

1) I love basketball. A lot. I'm no good at it (white guys really can't jump), but dammit I love it. The only thing I'd say is decent about my game, other than turning it over on a pick & roll, is my mid range jumper. When I have it going, shit, I can't miss. Feeling the ball roll off the fingers, seeing it spin backwards as it sails through the air, and watching it finally rip through the net with a swish is really the best feeling ever. Expect a lot of basketball related posts.

2) "The Lost Art of the Mid Range Jumper" is also an example of the degradation of the game. Many guys playing ball, pro or otherwise, don't have a decent mid range shot. Dunks and 30ft threes rule the game now. I hate to say it, but the ladies really play the best ball (I'd still rather get a defibrillator to the face than watch a WNBA game, though).

It's also, however, a general reflection of my disdain for life and the bullshit going on it. I go with the flow, sure, but some stuff really grinds my gears (do the kids say that? 'Grinds My Gears'?). I may be a hip 20-something college student, but in many ways I'm really quite different. I'll offer up my opinion on stuff about that, too.

3) It sounds fucking artsy, yeah? "The Mid Range J." Yeah, has a nice ring to it. I was worried I'd come up with something lame, but this came quick to me. Go with your gut, they say, so I did.

Writing a blog, I think, requires a level of narcissism that deep-down everyone has. Everyone wants to be respected, admired, praised, etc. Blogging is merely one avenue for that. I like writing, I have opinions on stuff, and I have free time in my life right now. Add all that up and... BOOM! A brand new baby blog is born.

This blog will be about whatever crosses my mind. I'll do that until I find "my voice" (heard that in an English class once) or I get bored. Getting bored will probably come first. But until that moment of decision comes, expect rambling. Yeeehaw!